Before Bulgaria became a democratic government, it had 2 subcultures, socialism and ant-socialism, with their motto “ who studies will be successful “but with the democratic government too many young people think that studying isn't the best option. 

With this new thought appear two new subcultures, the chalga and silicone culture which are defined next: . 

The chalga culture

It’s a culture for young people which has reaffirmed the importance of easy money, pleasures and artificial beauty. This culture is related to the folk-pop musical category and it has been influenced by Greek, Arabic, Balkan and Turkish music. The chalga culture, is conformed a group of young people who think that the letters of the folk-pop about love, sex and fun are a motto, and follow and practice these letters in their life. Lastly, this is considered very controversial for the old people. 

The silicone culture

This culture has been influenced by the chalga culture but the people who follow this culture think that the most important thing is a very sculpted body. It is commonly followed by young girls who the majority have passed for the scalpel. These girls think that they have to get breast or lips surgery to go to the prom or enjoy the spring if they want to be accepted and appreciated and most surprising, the parents seem to be very excited to pay for this. The girls who get breast surgery have to show the changes in public through a dance like arabic dance with very tiny clothes with a sequin cover to exalt the new breast. 


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