

  Before Bulgaria became a democratic government, it had 2 subcultures, socialism and ant-socialism, with their motto “ who studies will be successful “but with the democratic government too many young people think that studying isn't the best option.  With this new thought appear two new subcultures, the chalga and silicone culture which are defined next: .  The chalga culture It’s a culture for young people which has reaffirmed the importance of easy money, pleasures and artificial beauty. This culture is related to the folk-pop musical category and it has been influenced by Greek, Arabic, Balkan and Turkish music. The chalga culture, is conformed a group of young people who think that the letters of the folk-pop about love, sex and fun are a motto, and follow and practice these letters in their life. Lastly, this is considered very controversial for the old people.  The silicone culture This culture has been influenced by the chalga culture but the people who fo...


Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory was developed by Geert Hofstede, is a framework for cross cultural communication, it shows the effects of a society's culture on the values on it's members. It is used to distinguish between the different cultural countries around the world,assess their impact on business settings and determine the dimensions in which the cultures vary.  The Hofstede model identified six categories with which have been defined Bulgarian culture and to have a better understanding about it, we gonna make a  comparison between Colombian  Bulgarian culture.  POWER DISTANCE    This dimension indicates to us what is the position and tolerance of a country's culture with respect to authority, centralization and inequality.  As we can see, the power distance index in Bulgaria is slightly high, with a score of 70, which indicates that in Bulgaria the people tend to accept the centralization, the differences of power and inequality, it is ...


  Richard Lewis, a British linguist and world traveler, who speaks 10 languages, categorized the world's culture based on their behaviors and characteristics of their daily life and made three categories to avoid the dangers of stereotypes. These categories are:  Linear active: people who have a plan or schedule, they organize step by step their entire day and, do action chains, do one thing at the time. We can find Germans and Swiss in this group. Multi-active: those are loquacious people who do many things at once, planning according to the relative thrill that each appointment brings with it. The silence is uncomfortable to them and they tend to interrupt frequent conversations.  Italians, Latin Americans and Arabs are in this group.  Reactives: to them the respect and courtesy is priority, they listen quietly,  wait for a decent period of time to talk after the speaker to show respect and tolerate the silence very well. Chinese, Japanese and Finns are mem...


  BUL GA RIA VS CO LOM BIA   It’s widely recognised that the struggle of millions of women and some men against gender stereotypes have achieved changing some important norms and customs but in some countries these still continue stronger than ever. Bulgaria is an example of this and is frequently called the gender stereotypes leader. Bulgarians tend to think the woman is made to be at home, doing houseworks, taking care of the children and cooking dinner for her husbands, as well they think the women make decisions influenced by her feelings which is a reason to reject them in the political elections. It seems that many people even think that men don't have to cry and they just need working to get money. These gender stereotypes are generally influenced by the religion of the country which are christianity and islamism. If we compare the gender stereotypes of the Bulgarian culture with our culture, Colombian culture, we can see there isn’t too much difference, but these have...

Bulgaria - a country to discover

  Since 7th century, one of the oldest states on the European continent