

It’s widely recognised that the struggle of millions of women and some men against gender stereotypes have achieved changing some important norms and customs but in some countries these still continue stronger than ever. Bulgaria is an example of this and is frequently called the gender stereotypes leader. Bulgarians tend to think the woman is made to be at home, doing houseworks, taking care of the children and cooking dinner for her husbands, as well they think the women make decisions influenced by her feelings which is a reason to reject them in the political elections. It seems that many people even think that men don't have to cry and they just need working to get money. These gender stereotypes are generally influenced by the religion of the country which are christianity and islamism. If we compare the gender stereotypes of the Bulgarian culture with our culture, Colombian culture, we can see there isn’t too much difference, but these have a little less intensity. The men also think the woman is made to be at home and that the man has to be macho, he can’t cry or be sensitive; Otherwise he is called “poofy” or "queer". The woman has to leave the education process to raise the child while the men have to go working. It could be affirmed that the gender stereotypes between Bulgarian and Colombian culture are so similar due to in both countries predominate the christinity and their beliefs have influenced the thought people for along time.

Woman fighting against the gender stereotypes in Bulgaria 

 Classic example of gender stereotypes in Bulgaria and Colombia


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